Dr. Flora Discusses Cancer
I'm so excited to see how you've grown, Paul.
I need to correct you on one little point. Dr. Ann never went to the Hippocrates West Palm Beach facility. People were told that she was coming many times, but she never did. She went to her Institute (The Instituto de Ann Wigmore in Aguada, Puerto Rico) and to Boston, and we traveled to many other places where she gave talks, but not to WPB. That is Brian's.
I need to ask your help (not only for you to sit down when you eat!). I just had to helplessly watch my 46 year old daughter die from the way she was treated at the National Cancer Institute at NIH. She had asked me to promise that I not say anything to the doctors at all, not one thing, and I did what she asked, and had to go into the TV room and cry and bawl when I saw how bravely she tried to continue to believe in them, until her doctor told her, "Sherri, what have we done to you?" and she then said, "Mom, I'm going to have to do this myself. They don't know what they are doing."
There were some OK foods on the list, but most of them were mucus producing and caused the body to go into an auto-immune reaction, like tomato (which fruit contain malonic acid which lowers the immune system and prevents amylase and protease utilization as well as being an inflammatory agent) soup with milk and salt in it, and even though watermelon was on the list, there was never any available. I had to go where the doctors ate to buy some and bring it up to her room. She had been given permission to have her family make the energy soup, a juicer and blender were available, but she wanted to make sure that it didn't interfere with anything on the medical protocol, and because some of what was given to her had grain in it, the enzymes in the soup resulted in gas/distention/bloating and so the soup was discontinued (not the grain that was causing the problem).
The major problem I saw was of a lack of knowledge about the body being able to heal itself, a lack of understanding about the side effects of certain drugs by the doctors. Her doctor didn't know, for instance, that Bactrin (a drug that made her blister as if she had a 3rd degree burn all over her arms and face) was banned in England, a drug that is available over the counter here in the U.S. He was unaware that she should have been tested for sulfa allergy before being given that. These doctors need help to understand the healing process so that they won't fight so hard against it.
The room was too cold (not as cold as other hospital rooms I've been in visiting people) for her to sweat (needs 85 degrees to heal, as Dr. Wigmore knew), and the sheets were not 100% cotton so that she could sweat into them. Her clothes were not 100% cotton either. One of the precipitating factors was that she wore a bra 24 hours a day, and this has been found to cause cancer because of the lack of circulation in the breast area. Another was that they were rubbing her with a lotion (petroleum distillate derivative) that was clogging up her pores and not allowing her to sweat. Another was that she had a cell phone with her almost constantly.
The most important thing that they didn't know was that a fever is not always caused by infection. The body, if the immune system is working at all, will increase it's temperature to melt fat/mucus that is in the way, clogging up or decreasing the flow of lymph, blood, and electricity. This is not something to be fought against, but encouraged, and all I saw were people, well meaning but innocently ignorant, frantically trying to 'kill' this 'enemy' fever.
After working side by side with Dr. Wigmore for over 2 decades, I had learned that cancer was nothing to worry about. Every 2 weeks I watched the cancer patients getting well. They were amazed it was so simple. They just starved the illness to death by only feeding the cells living food which would generate life in a form (blended or juiced) which would be easily assimilated; they killed it by the use of freshly made wheat grass juice implants, fresh air, natural clothing, sunlight and positive thoughts and words, using a skin brush, loofa and trampoline to keep the lymphatic system clean, etc. The dissemination of this knowledge needs to be speeded up and focused on the key pivot people in the medical field now.
I need some of you men and women who are expressing themselves so clearly to begin a conversation with the leaders of the National Cancer Center in Bethesda. God will lead you to the manner and as to the timing, but these men are frantic as they see only 2 of their hundreds of participants live, and the rest die. The human guinea pigs included my daughter. Our living food way is so easy and they are ready for it now. If you could have seen the looks on their faces as they stood at the end of my daughter's bed and looked at the blisters that were popping into one another, you would know that they are panicked and frustrated and numbed by the numbers of deaths. Someone who has the voice to help them needs to tactfully yet forcefully get this information to them so that they can try it, come to the places where it is being done properly, if there is any place left. This life-saving information cannot be just part of an 'underground railroad' but needs to be mainstream in every language of the world.
When my daughter was first diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma a decade ago, she promised God that she would use whatever time was given her to make sure that her son knew he was loved, and she did that. Her life was not in vain. I want her death not to be in vain and you, and friends like Vic, Valery, Neal, Brian, Gabriel, Brenda, Mike, Jim, Steven and others, I pray, will join you in this most important life-generating information up-load.
This will be the most important 'lobbying' effort you will ever be involved in. This will take courting the leaders (and their wives or whoever they sleep with) of the medical/nutritional field, choosing those who are tired of killing people and brave ones, who are not afraid to use their reputations and 'names' to step out and be counted by using something that helps not hurts. These brave doctors I saw are desperate for answers and the drugs are not supplying them. You can make a difference, not for my daughter, but perhaps for your own daughter, some day in the future.
Think globally, not nationally. The only enemy now is ignorance. Remember reading how Pasteur wrote that he had made such a mistake running after ways to kill germs because he realized on his deathbed that it wasn't the germs that were the problem, it was the mucus/culture into which the germs fell, finding substance to reproduce and 'take over'. Think how this information can be used in Africa, in Russia, in every country that battles the rise in illness since altered oils/fats and insecticides and pesticides have been imported into them.
You can make the difference, with God's help. Please continue to be one of God's angels to spread the living word.
Peace and love,
I need to correct you on one little point. Dr. Ann never went to the Hippocrates West Palm Beach facility. People were told that she was coming many times, but she never did. She went to her Institute (The Instituto de Ann Wigmore in Aguada, Puerto Rico) and to Boston, and we traveled to many other places where she gave talks, but not to WPB. That is Brian's.
I need to ask your help (not only for you to sit down when you eat!). I just had to helplessly watch my 46 year old daughter die from the way she was treated at the National Cancer Institute at NIH. She had asked me to promise that I not say anything to the doctors at all, not one thing, and I did what she asked, and had to go into the TV room and cry and bawl when I saw how bravely she tried to continue to believe in them, until her doctor told her, "Sherri, what have we done to you?" and she then said, "Mom, I'm going to have to do this myself. They don't know what they are doing."
There were some OK foods on the list, but most of them were mucus producing and caused the body to go into an auto-immune reaction, like tomato (which fruit contain malonic acid which lowers the immune system and prevents amylase and protease utilization as well as being an inflammatory agent) soup with milk and salt in it, and even though watermelon was on the list, there was never any available. I had to go where the doctors ate to buy some and bring it up to her room. She had been given permission to have her family make the energy soup, a juicer and blender were available, but she wanted to make sure that it didn't interfere with anything on the medical protocol, and because some of what was given to her had grain in it, the enzymes in the soup resulted in gas/distention/bloating and so the soup was discontinued (not the grain that was causing the problem).
The major problem I saw was of a lack of knowledge about the body being able to heal itself, a lack of understanding about the side effects of certain drugs by the doctors. Her doctor didn't know, for instance, that Bactrin (a drug that made her blister as if she had a 3rd degree burn all over her arms and face) was banned in England, a drug that is available over the counter here in the U.S. He was unaware that she should have been tested for sulfa allergy before being given that. These doctors need help to understand the healing process so that they won't fight so hard against it.
The room was too cold (not as cold as other hospital rooms I've been in visiting people) for her to sweat (needs 85 degrees to heal, as Dr. Wigmore knew), and the sheets were not 100% cotton so that she could sweat into them. Her clothes were not 100% cotton either. One of the precipitating factors was that she wore a bra 24 hours a day, and this has been found to cause cancer because of the lack of circulation in the breast area. Another was that they were rubbing her with a lotion (petroleum distillate derivative) that was clogging up her pores and not allowing her to sweat. Another was that she had a cell phone with her almost constantly.
The most important thing that they didn't know was that a fever is not always caused by infection. The body, if the immune system is working at all, will increase it's temperature to melt fat/mucus that is in the way, clogging up or decreasing the flow of lymph, blood, and electricity. This is not something to be fought against, but encouraged, and all I saw were people, well meaning but innocently ignorant, frantically trying to 'kill' this 'enemy' fever.
After working side by side with Dr. Wigmore for over 2 decades, I had learned that cancer was nothing to worry about. Every 2 weeks I watched the cancer patients getting well. They were amazed it was so simple. They just starved the illness to death by only feeding the cells living food which would generate life in a form (blended or juiced) which would be easily assimilated; they killed it by the use of freshly made wheat grass juice implants, fresh air, natural clothing, sunlight and positive thoughts and words, using a skin brush, loofa and trampoline to keep the lymphatic system clean, etc. The dissemination of this knowledge needs to be speeded up and focused on the key pivot people in the medical field now.
I need some of you men and women who are expressing themselves so clearly to begin a conversation with the leaders of the National Cancer Center in Bethesda. God will lead you to the manner and as to the timing, but these men are frantic as they see only 2 of their hundreds of participants live, and the rest die. The human guinea pigs included my daughter. Our living food way is so easy and they are ready for it now. If you could have seen the looks on their faces as they stood at the end of my daughter's bed and looked at the blisters that were popping into one another, you would know that they are panicked and frustrated and numbed by the numbers of deaths. Someone who has the voice to help them needs to tactfully yet forcefully get this information to them so that they can try it, come to the places where it is being done properly, if there is any place left. This life-saving information cannot be just part of an 'underground railroad' but needs to be mainstream in every language of the world.
When my daughter was first diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma a decade ago, she promised God that she would use whatever time was given her to make sure that her son knew he was loved, and she did that. Her life was not in vain. I want her death not to be in vain and you, and friends like Vic, Valery, Neal, Brian, Gabriel, Brenda, Mike, Jim, Steven and others, I pray, will join you in this most important life-generating information up-load.
This will be the most important 'lobbying' effort you will ever be involved in. This will take courting the leaders (and their wives or whoever they sleep with) of the medical/nutritional field, choosing those who are tired of killing people and brave ones, who are not afraid to use their reputations and 'names' to step out and be counted by using something that helps not hurts. These brave doctors I saw are desperate for answers and the drugs are not supplying them. You can make a difference, not for my daughter, but perhaps for your own daughter, some day in the future.
Think globally, not nationally. The only enemy now is ignorance. Remember reading how Pasteur wrote that he had made such a mistake running after ways to kill germs because he realized on his deathbed that it wasn't the germs that were the problem, it was the mucus/culture into which the germs fell, finding substance to reproduce and 'take over'. Think how this information can be used in Africa, in Russia, in every country that battles the rise in illness since altered oils/fats and insecticides and pesticides have been imported into them.
You can make the difference, with God's help. Please continue to be one of God's angels to spread the living word.
Peace and love,
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